Monthly Archives: September 2014

Puppy Dog Tales at Bryant Elementary School

This was our first visit to Bryant for the Puppy Dog Tales reading program this new school year. We have a new volunteer coordinator, who needed some extra time to get the program set up.

This term we are with students from the Kindergarten and First Grade classes. They are given the opportunity to read in either a Spanish or English. The volunteer coordinator helps Jacee and me with Spanish as needed.

A Kindergarten student read a Spanish book about playing in water. After reading the book in Spanish, he read it again, translating into English as he went. It was very impressive for such a young boy. A first grade student read a longer book ¿Cómo se curan los dinosaurios? (How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?).

The remaining students selected for the program did not feel comfortable with a dog, and they declined to read to Jacee. Alternates will be found for them on our next visit.